Difculties in mastering certain professional competencies among recently immigrated teacher interns

Difculties in mastering certain professional competencies among recently immigrated teacher interns

  • Ariane Provencher, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Michel Lepage, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Colette Gervais, Université de Montréal, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2016.274


Many studies have reported on professional integration problems experienced by recently immigrated teachers. Based on Québec’s ofcial framework for teachers’ professional competencies, this study proposes an initial analysis of difculties in mastering professional competencies as perceived by six recently immigrated teacher interns enrolled in a teaching certifcation program at l’Université de Montréal. The analysis of the interview content did not allow establishing direct associations between professional competencies and internship problems, but instead revealed obstacles to professional integration and development. In addition to previously identifed obstacles in the literature, an understudied factor emerged: disruption of the professional identity, which acts as a catalyst to undermine confdence in competencies and feelings of belonging


Many studies have reported on professional integration problems experienced by recently immigrated teachers. Based on Québec’s ofcial framework for teachers’ professional competencies, this study proposes an initial analysis of difculties in mastering professional competencies as perceived by six recently immigrated teacher interns enrolled in a teaching certifcation program at l’Université de Montréal. The analysis of the interview content did not allow establishing direct associations between professional competencies and internship problems, but instead revealed obstacles to professional integration and development. In addition to previously identifed obstacles in the literature, an understudied factor emerged: disruption of the professional identity, which acts as a catalyst to undermine confdence in competencies and feelings of belonging

To cite this article

Provencher, A., Lepage, M. et Gervais, C. (2016). Difculties in mastering certain professional competencies among recently immigrated teacher interns. Formation et profession, 24(1), 15. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2016.274