Acceptability of history courseware by high school students in Burkina Faso

Acceptability of history courseware by high school students in Burkina Faso

  • Pingwinde Baga, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

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This article presents the results of a doctoral research aimed to design courseware for high school students in Burkina Faso. It explores the acceptability parameters that could infuence them to use computerized resources for learning history. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews with 16 participants. The results revealed four key parameters: the organizational, institutional settings, cultural and economic. The analysis of the acceptability helped defne user needs and take into account their views in the design process.


This article presents the results of a doctoral research aimed to design courseware for high school students in Burkina Faso. It explores the acceptability parameters that could infuence them to use computerized resources for learning history. Data collection was conducted through focus group interviews with 16 participants. The results revealed four key parameters: the organizational, institutional settings, cultural and economic. The analysis of the acceptability helped defne user needs and take into account their views in the design process.

To cite this article

Baga, P. (2016). Acceptability of history courseware by high school students in Burkina Faso. Formation et profession, 24(1), 42.