Volume 25 (3), 2017
Articles scientifiques
Pedagogical training of new university professors : its short-term effects
MÉNARD, Louise; BÉDARD, Denis; LEDUC, Diane and GRAVELLE, France
Reasons given by beginning teachers to explain their desire to quit teaching and implications for their support
DESMEULES, Amélie and HAMEL, Christine
Perceived impact of a learning community on the motivation of high school teachers in their professional development
RASMY, Aziz and KARSENTI, Thierry
Pre-service special educators’ evolution of knowledge on assessment and intervention related to reading difficulties during their initial training
LESSARD, Andrée and TREMBLAY, Karine-N.
Teacher training: professional learning of novice teachers through regulation in classroom situations
FAURE, Laurent; GARDIÈS, Cécile and MARCEL, Jean-François
The importance of adults’ support and mathematical performance, as perceived by students from high school advanced mathematics classes, in their choice of pre-university programs
BERGERON, Julie; ROY, Normand; CHOUINARD, Roch; LESSARD, Valérie and SMITH, Jonathan
Insertion professionnelle
Les conseillers et conseillères pédagogiques : ces piliers de l’insertion professionnelle
LEROUX, Mylène
Éthique enseignante et droit scolaire
L’école et l’écran
Point de vue international
Vers un nouveau profil des enseignants et des enseignantes au primaire en Suisse : bref portrait d’un futur dispositif de formation initiale entièrement bilingue
BUSER, Melanie
Intervention éducative
L’enseignement du vocabulaire au 1er cycle du primaire
ANCTIL, Dominic
Technologies en éducation
Using Humanoïd Robots to Support Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
KARSENTI, Thierry; BUGMANN, Julien and GROS, Pierre-Paul
Le texto (SMS), divinité incontestable chez les ados, fête ses 25 ans
Recherche étudiante
Enjeux et défis de la formation des enseignants de littérature du collégial : quelle(s) appropriation(s) des savoirs disciplinaires et didactiques?
GAGNÉ, Alexandra
L’utilisation pédagogique de la programmation au primaire : regard sur le développement de compétences transversales
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