Volume 29 (2), 2021
Articles scientifiques
Mobilization of the professional knowledge of teachers in the preparation and imple-mentation of mathematics courses at the basic school in Burundi
NTWARI, Innocent and BÉCU-ROBINAULT, Karine
Firefighters’ Self-efficacy in Training and Instruction
DE STERCKE, Joachim and TEMPERMAN, Gaëtan
Teaching innovation at a distance during th covid 19 pandemic: the example of an educational sequence of e-cooperation induced by simulation in vocational training
GUYET, Delphine
Self-Regulated Learning and Teaching Practices: Intersections to Consider for Teacher Professional Development
MARCEAU, Nathalie
The information literacy skills of elementary and high school teachers during a search by keywords on a search engine
CHAURET, Mélodie; CARIGNAN, Isabelle; GRENON, Vincent and COLLIN, Simon
Axel Honneth and education: between emancipation, democratic ethicity and civic competency
TRUDEL, Stéphane and MARTINEAU, Stéphane
An evaluation of the training of education inspectors in Senegal
BALDE, Idrissa
Éthique enseignante et droit scolaire
TikTok : angoisse, solitude et exploration adolescente en temps de pandémie
JEFFREY, Denis and ST-AMANT GAURON, Louis-Philippe
Milieu scolaire
Et si des situations d’enseignement-apprentissage différenciées et collaboratives pouvaient faire la différence ?
GAREAU, Maryse and DUBÉ, France
Numérique en éducation
L’intelligence artificielle en éducation : enjeux de justice
COLLIN, Simon and MARCEAU, Emmanuelle
7 clefs pour des interactions pédagogiques porteuses d’apprentissages
Formation initiale et continue
Je suis professionnelle : suis-je enseignante ?
GAGNÉ, Andréanne and ST-JEAN, Charlaine
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