Author Guide
Instructions for manuscript submission
Les manuscrits doivent être transmis à la Revue en format électronique (formats .doc ou .docx, voir gabarit fourni ci-dessous). All manuscripts must be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th édition, 2010 or 7th édition, 2020), except for the references in articles written in French, which should be written in the format provided in l’adaptation française de ces normes as suggested by the Université de Montréal.
- Les textes soumis initialement ne doivent pas dépasser 7500 mots, références, annexes, notes, tableaux et figures inclus. Double-space all copy and use Times New Roman 12-point font. L’auteur·e doit utiliser le gabarit fourni par la Revue (disponible en version Word), pré-formaté suivant les directives énoncées ci-dessous. L’écriture inclusive est encouragée, soit au moyen de l’écriture épicène, soit au moyen du point médian, tant que le système d’écriture inclusive choisi est uniformément appliqué tout au long du texte. Le texte peut être rédigé en orthographe traditionnelle ou rectifiée, tant que le système d’orthographe choisi est uniformément appliqué tout au long du texte.
- Title page: The title page should contain a clear and concise title of the paper, followed by the abstract. The abstract should be no longer than 100 words. It should define the topic and state the research objectives, the methods used, and the main results obtained or the main conclusions drawn. The abstract should be followed by a list of from three to five key words.
- PAGES SUIVANTES (CORPS DU TEXTE) : Le style propre à chaque élément du corps du texte (intertitre 1, intertitre 2, paragraphe, énumération, note) est pré-formaté dans le gabarit fourni par la Revue (disponible en version Word). Include tables and figures at the end of the body. Place footnotes at the end of the paper, after the references list.
- References: All references cited within the body, in the references list, and within footnotes must be formatted according to APA referencing style. References in papers submitted in French must be formatted according to l’adaptation française de ces normes as suggested by the Université de Montréal. Remember to provide a DOI for each reference, when applicable.
To ensure anonymity in the review process « Double blind peer review », please remove all personal references from the paper that could identify the author(s), including names, university associations, email addresses, postal addresses, and so on. All personal information should be provided in the author’s account (My account) at this site when the manuscript is submitted, and not in the manuscript itself.
Les textes ne respectant pas toutes les normes éditoriales ne seront pas acheminées au Comité éditorial.
In summary:
Before submitting your text, please ensure that it complies with the editorial guidelines of the journal.
- Tous tableaux et les graphiques doivent être fournis dans un format modifiable et non pas sous forme d’image ;
General guidelines
All manuscripts must be submitted to this Journal exclusively, and must not be under concurrent consideration by another journal. Submitted manuscripts must not be previously published.
By submitting this manuscript, the author declares that the work:
- is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- is an original work and is the exclusive property of the author(s), or that the author has obtained from all copyright holders of the work, and where applicable, the works or extracts of works that it contains, the required authorizations under this agreement.
- does not infringe on any copyright or other rights of any person, and that it does not contain any material that could be considered slanderous, defamatory, or confidential that would be liable to violate any laws or contractual obligations. The author commits to indemnify and hold harmless the Journal from all legal expenses, damages, and other costs arising from any lawsuit concerning these materials.
- has not been previously published or submitted for publication in another journal, and will not be published or submitted for publication before the Editor of the Journal has communicated a final decision on manuscript acceptance, with the understanding that the author has the right to withdraw an article submitted for publication by sending written notice to the Editor.
The Journal commits to:
- make available online an electronic version of the work and provide continuous free access to it according to the conditions set forth in the Creative Commons License mentioned in point 1.
- carry out or promote any and all actions liable to raise the visibility and increase the dissemination of the work, in whatever format or support.
Soulignons que l’acceptation de cette condition ne réduit en rien les droits dits pécuniaires que la Loi du droit d’auteur reconnaît à l’auteur·e du texte, qui demeure libre de distribuer ou diffuser lui-même son texte, ou encore de conclure avec un éditeur toute entente concernant sa distribution ou sa diffusion, étant entendu que la diffusion sous licence Creative Commons, une fois approuvée, ne peut plus être révoquée.