Making primary teaching precarious in Ivory Coast

Making primary teaching precarious in Ivory Coast

  • TOH Alain, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny d’Abidjan, Côte d'ivoire

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Côte d’Ivoire has been dealing with the consequences of transnational policies for the past 20 years. Education is one of the hardest hit sectors. Data available suggest that the effects of international reforms have led to constraints that have seriously harmed the quality of education in this country. This article focuses on the socioeconomic effects of transnational policies on the teaching profession, particularly on the living and working conditions of public primary school teachers in Côte d’Ivoire. It draws on a study aimed at documenting and analyzing the process of making primary teaching a precarious profession in this country, as well as the responses developed by various stakeholders (Government, teacher organizations, NGOs, international institutions) to improve the situation


Côte d’Ivoire has been dealing with the consequences of transnational policies for the past 20 years. Education is one of the hardest hit sectors. Data available suggest that the effects of international reforms have led to constraints that have seriously harmed the quality of education in this country. This article focuses on the socioeconomic effects of transnational policies on the teaching profession, particularly on the living and working conditions of public primary school teachers in Côte d’Ivoire. It draws on a study aimed at documenting and analyzing the process of making primary teaching a precarious profession in this country, as well as the responses developed by various stakeholders (Government, teacher organizations, NGOs, international institutions) to improve the situation



To cite this article

Alain, T. (2017). Making primary teaching precarious in Ivory Coast. Formation et profession, 25(2), 20.