The analysis of research goals in the production of bachelor dissertations at the HEP- BEJUNE: A matter of professional interest and of research culture(s)?

The analysis of research goals in the production of bachelor dissertations at the HEP- BEJUNE: A matter of professional interest and of research culture(s)?

  • Francesco Arcidiacono, Haute école pédagogique BEJUNE, Suisse
  • François Joliat, Recherche PF 5, Axe 1, Suisse

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The fnal step in research education for pre-service teachers is the production of a dissertation which aims to develop a refexive posture. The goal of the present study is to identify the diferent lines that emerge from these dissertations in order to better determine and orient the education of pre-service teachers on the basis of contextual elements. We analyzed 48 dissertations produced within a curriculum in primary education. The results show the presence of a disciplinary objective or the learning management issue, although an internal culture of research seems to infuence the choice of dissertations subjects, despite a harmonized educational curriculum.


The fnal step in research education for pre-service teachers is the production of a dissertation which aims to develop a refexive posture. The goal of the present study is to identify the diferent lines that emerge from these dissertations in order to better determine and orient the education of pre-service teachers on the basis of contextual elements. We analyzed 48 dissertations produced within a curriculum in primary education. The results show the presence of a disciplinary objective or the learning management issue, although an internal culture of research seems to infuence the choice of dissertations subjects, despite a harmonized educational curriculum.

To cite this article

Arcidiacono, F. et Joliat, F. (2016). The analysis of research goals in the production of bachelor dissertations at the HEP- BEJUNE: A matter of professional interest and of research culture(s)?. Formation et profession, 24(2), 17.