Perceived impact of a learning community on the motivation of high school teachers in their professional development

Perceived impact of a learning community on the motivation of high school teachers in their professional development

  • Aziz Rasmy, CRIFPE, Canada
  • Thierry Karsenti, Université de Montréal, Canada

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This article aims to describe and understand the effects of a learning community (AC) on the motivation of teachers in their professional development in the implementation of IT in the classroom. The acquisition of the data has been done using individual interviews of middle school and early high school teaching staff. The results show the pertinence of a learning community, from the autonomy granted to teachers, to the valorisation given to their work and from the possibility to take into account the particularities and the individual needs of its members, rather than using the deficiencies of its constituents.


This article aims to describe and understand the effects of a learning community (AC) on the motivation of teachers in their professional development in the implementation of IT in the classroom. The acquisition of the data has been done using individual interviews of middle school and early high school teaching staff. The results show the pertinence of a learning community, from the autonomy granted to teachers, to the valorisation given to their work and from the possibility to take into account the particularities and the individual needs of its members, rather than using the deficiencies of its constituents.



To cite this article

Rasmy, A. et Karsenti, T. (2017). Perceived impact of a learning community on the motivation of high school teachers in their professional development. Formation et profession, 25(3), 36.