Intercultural training abroad: conditions for developing the intercultural competence of francophone school principals in Canada

Intercultural training abroad: conditions for developing the intercultural competence of francophone school principals in Canada

  • Andréanne Gélinas Proulx, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
  • Claire Isabelle, Université d’Ottawa, Canada

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The training to develop intercultural competence (IC) available for school principals and future principals (SPFP) of French schools in linguistic minority contexts in Canada is limited. Our qualitative study based on a pragmatic-interpretative paradigm aims to propose a model of the conditions for intercultural immersion training session in a foreign country to develop the IC of SPSF of French schools in linguistic minority contexts in Canada. The perception of seven SPFP who experienced a training session abroad shows that five conditions influenced the development of their IC and five others could improve it. In light of those results, a hypothetical training model is proposed


The training to develop intercultural competence (IC) available for school principals and future principals (SPFP) of French schools in linguistic minority contexts in Canada is limited. Our qualitative study based on a pragmatic-interpretative paradigm aims to propose a model of the conditions for intercultural immersion training session in a foreign country to develop the IC of SPSF of French schools in linguistic minority contexts in Canada. The perception of seven SPFP who experienced a training session abroad shows that five conditions influenced the development of their IC and five others could improve it. In light of those results, a hypothetical training model is proposed


intercultural competence

To cite this article

Gélinas Proulx, A. et Isabelle, C. (2017). Intercultural training abroad: conditions for developing the intercultural competence of francophone school principals in Canada. Formation et profession, 25(2), 65.