Benefits and challenges of active learning classrooms in cegeps, according to teachers and students: First-iteration results of a design-based study

Benefits and challenges of active learning classrooms in cegeps, according to teachers and students: First-iteration results of a design-based study

  • Bruno Poellhuber, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Anne-Marie Duclos, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Samuel Fournier St-Laurent, Université de Montréal et Collège Ahuntsic, Canada
  • Madona Moukhachen, Université de Montréal, Canada

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Many cégeps are investing in active learning classrooms, which are set up to encourage collaborative work and technology-enabled active pedagogies. This article reports the results of the first iteration of a design-based study, drawn from interviews with students and teachers, based on a motivation model and a professional development model. The principal benefits found relate to the perceived value of collaboration, ITCs and pedagogical approaches. The approach is demanding for the teachers, however, in terms of classroom management and changes in practice. The implications for teachers who wish to work in this setting are discussed.


Many cégeps are investing in active learning classrooms, which are set up to encourage collaborative work and technology-enabled active pedagogies. This article reports the results of the first iteration of a design-based study, drawn from interviews with students and teachers, based on a motivation model and a professional development model. The principal benefits found relate to the perceived value of collaboration, ITCs and pedagogical approaches. The approach is demanding for the teachers, however, in terms of classroom management and changes in practice. The implications for teachers who wish to work in this setting are discussed.

To cite this article

Poellhuber, B., Duclos, A.-M., Fournier St-Laurent, S. et Moukhachen, M. (2018). Benefits and challenges of active learning classrooms in cegeps, according to teachers and students: First-iteration results of a design-based study. Formation et profession, 26(1), 7.