Teacher training: professional learning of novice teachers through regulation in classroom situations
Teacher training: professional learning of novice teachers through regulation in classroom situations
- Laurent FAURE, ENFA, France
- Cécile Gardiès, ENFA, France
- Jean-François Marcel, Université Jean Jaurès, France
The on-site training of aspiring professors is becoming a key issue as the recent legal evolutions push toward quicker entries into the profession. We wonder in this article about the construction of professional knowledge in class regulation system between an aspiring professor and an experimented professor enables a knowledge transformation together with a rewarding professional efficiency feeling. Results show that across different types of regulation a knowledge transformation occurs, though coupled with unavoidable unpredictability. A clear growth in and for the action is also seen, that addresses the question of the responsibility of the knowing subject.
The on-site training of aspiring professors is becoming a key issue as the recent legal evolutions push toward quicker entries into the profession. We wonder in this article about the construction of professional knowledge in class regulation system between an aspiring professor and an experimented professor enables a knowledge transformation together with a rewarding professional efficiency feeling. Results show that across different types of regulation a knowledge transformation occurs, though coupled with unavoidable unpredictability. A clear growth in and for the action is also seen, that addresses the question of the responsibility of the knowing subject.
To cite this article
FAURE, L., Gardiès, C. et Marcel, J.-F. (2017). Teacher training: professional learning of novice teachers through regulation in classroom situations. Formation et profession, 25(3), 72. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2017.403