Dropout of School in South-Kivu

Dropout of School in South-Kivu

  • Isidore Murhi Mihigo, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Congo, la république démocratique du
  • Célestin Bucekuderhwa Bashige, Université Catholique de Bukavu, Congo, la république démocratique du

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2017.418


School dropout has been tackled in many research studies internationally, and from several disciplinary perspectives. This paper attempts to identify the factors pushing students to leave school prematurely in South-Kivu Province. To this end, we analyzed data from the archives of the Provincial division of Education (known by its French acronym EPSP) and the 2005 1-2-3 survey data, drawing on the multilevel econometric approach. Results show that the later a child starts school, the higher the probability that he or she drops out. Characteristics associated with the student, family and school play a predominant role in school dropout in South-Kivu.


School dropout has been tackled in many research studies internationally, and from several disciplinary perspectives. This paper attempts to identify the factors pushing students to leave school prematurely in South-Kivu Province. To this end, we analyzed data from the archives of the Provincial division of Education (known by its French acronym EPSP) and the 2005 1-2-3 survey data, drawing on the multilevel econometric approach. Results show that the later a child starts school, the higher the probability that he or she drops out. Characteristics associated with the student, family and school play a predominant role in school dropout in South-Kivu.


school, dropout, secondary, dropout of school, stouth-kivu

To cite this article

Murhi Mihigo, I. et Bucekuderhwa Bashige, C. (2017). Dropout of School in South-Kivu. Formation et profession, 25(2), 49. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2017.418