Reasons given by beginning teachers to explain their desire to quit teaching and implications for their support

Reasons given by beginning teachers to explain their desire to quit teaching and implications for their support

  • Amélie Desmeules, Université Laval, Canada
  • Christine Hamel, Université Laval, Canada

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Studies are currently trying to understand the effects of induction programs (IP) implanted to remedy to teachers’ attrition. Finding no significant results in a study about the differences between participants based on their participation to an IP, we are now interested in the differences regarding the thought of quitting teaching. This study aims to understand why beginning teachers had that thought. Responses from 59 participants to two questions from the initial study were subjected to a content analysis. The results shed light on their motives, which are diverse and support the need for a combination of measures in IP.


Studies are currently trying to understand the effects of induction programs (IP) implanted to remedy to teachers’ attrition. Finding no significant results in a study about the differences between participants based on their participation to an IP, we are now interested in the differences regarding the thought of quitting teaching. This study aims to understand why beginning teachers had that thought. Responses from 59 participants to two questions from the initial study were subjected to a content analysis. The results shed light on their motives, which are diverse and support the need for a combination of measures in IP.



To cite this article

Desmeules, A. et Hamel, C. (2017). Reasons given by beginning teachers to explain their desire to quit teaching and implications for their support. Formation et profession, 25(3), 18.