Assessment by pupils of their socioeducational environment and results at common external tests at the end of primary education: a comparison of Freinet and traditional schools from the Liège communal public school system

Assessment by pupils of their socioeducational environment and results at common external tests at the end of primary education: a comparison of Freinet and traditional schools from the Liège communal public school system

  • Jean-Luc Gilles, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Suisse
  • Pierre Charlier, Inspecteur général honoraire de la Ville de Liège, Belgique
  • Sandra Pfeuti, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Suisse
  • Oliver Prosperi, Haute école pédagogique du canton de Vaud, Lausanne, Suisse

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The controversy over the advantages of Freinet pedagogy has persisted for decades in terms of both the added value of socio-educational environment and level of academic proficiency. Our study carried out in the communal public school system of the city of Liège (Belgium), where more than 1500 pupils are enrolled in Freinet schools (14% of the school population) shows that at equivalent socio-economic level, pupils of Freinet schools obtain performance levels in French, maths and early-learning studies similar to those of traditional schools, but are distinguished by their systematically more positive statements in their socio-educational environment.


The controversy over the advantages of Freinet pedagogy has persisted for decades in terms of both the added value of socio-educational environment and level of academic proficiency. Our study carried out in the communal public school system of the city of Liège (Belgium), where more than 1500 pupils are enrolled in Freinet schools (14% of the school population) shows that at equivalent socio-economic level, pupils of Freinet schools obtain performance levels in French, maths and early-learning studies similar to those of traditional schools, but are distinguished by their systematically more positive statements in their socio-educational environment.

To cite this article

Gilles, J.-L., Charlier, P., Pfeuti, S. et Prosperi, O. (2018). Assessment by pupils of their socioeducational environment and results at common external tests at the end of primary education: a comparison of Freinet and traditional schools from the Liège communal public school system. Formation et profession, 26(3), 20.