Study of the link between a failure at the ministerial history uniform examination and difculties in reading and writing

Study of the link between a failure at the ministerial history uniform examination and difculties in reading and writing

  • Laurie Pageau, Université Laval, Canada

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In Québec, the ministerial uniform examination of history (MUE) is based largely on the mobilization of reading and writing skills to demonstrate students’ competency in history. This study focuses on the possible relationship between the failure of the MUE and the difficulties experienced by the learner in understanding and writing texts in French class. 102 students, attending summer remedial courses in history, answered our survey. Most of them declared having difficulty understanding written texts. When it’s time to demonstrate history skills, poor literacy seems to be a problem.


In Québec, the ministerial uniform examination of history (MUE) is based largely on the mobilization of reading and writing skills to demonstrate students’ competency in history. This study focuses on the possible relationship between the failure of the MUE and the difficulties experienced by the learner in understanding and writing texts in French class. 102 students, attending summer remedial courses in history, answered our survey. Most of them declared having difficulty understanding written texts. When it’s time to demonstrate history skills, poor literacy seems to be a problem.



To cite this article

Pageau, L. (2018). Study of the link between a failure at the ministerial history uniform examination and difculties in reading and writing. Formation et profession, 26(2), 35.