The beginning teachers in special education: their support needs, the support received and the support desired

The beginning teachers in special education: their support needs, the support received and the support desired

  • Fanny Giguère, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Joséphine Mukamurera, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

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Studies about the teacher induction give results that do not illuminate the situation of those working in special education in Quebec. Our objectives are to describe and understand their support needs, the nature of the assistance received and the desired one. The analyzed data come from a questionnaire survey and semi-directed interviews. The results highlight the plurality of support needs, some of which are inherent to their particular working contexts. Accessibility of support is uneven and what is offered does not always meet the specific needs of these teachers.


Studies about the teacher induction give results that do not illuminate the situation of those working in special education in Quebec. Our objectives are to describe and understand their support needs, the nature of the assistance received and the desired one. The analyzed data come from a questionnaire survey and semi-directed interviews. The results highlight the plurality of support needs, some of which are inherent to their particular working contexts. Accessibility of support is uneven and what is offered does not always meet the specific needs of these teachers.

To cite this article

Giguère, F. et Mukamurera, J. (2018). The beginning teachers in special education: their support needs, the support received and the support desired. Formation et profession, 26(3), 3.