The digital learner profile, from college to university: case of Pau

The digital learner profile, from college to university: case of Pau

  • Jean-François CECI, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France

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A sociological study with the aim to map the formal and informal digital practices of learners, from secondary school up to university, shows that young people are hyper-connected. This hyper-connectivity manifests itself through a large panel of digital activities, generating learning of different types. This paper focuses on the feeling of learning with digital, both in a formal and informal context. Then, if it exists, we will draw up a typical profile of the digital learner, a person who likes to learn on screens and wishing to see the development of digital education. Finally, by the yardstick of these results, we will be able to see if School (in the broad sense of the 6th to M2) has seized digital technology to teach. The empirical part of this study is based on a methodological pluralism, combining a qualitative and quantitative approach.


A sociological study with the aim to map the formal and informal digital practices of learners, from secondary school up to university, shows that young people are hyper-connected. This hyper-connectivity manifests itself through a large panel of digital activities, generating learning of different types. This paper focuses on the feeling of learning with digital, both in a formal and informal context. Then, if it exists, we will draw up a typical profile of the digital learner, a person who likes to learn on screens and wishing to see the development of digital education. Finally, by the yardstick of these results, we will be able to see if School (in the broad sense of the 6th to M2) has seized digital technology to teach. The empirical part of this study is based on a methodological pluralism, combining a qualitative and quantitative approach.


hyperconnection, formal learning, informal learning, digital education, digital learner

To cite this article

CECI, J.-F. (2019). The digital learner profile, from college to university: case of Pau. Formation et profession, 27(3), 91-112.