Reciprocity of viewpoints and collective reflexivity when validating prior experience: What paradigm for the validation of experiential knowledge?

Reciprocity of viewpoints and collective reflexivity when validating prior experience: What paradigm for the validation of experiential knowledge?

  • Hervé Breton, Université de Tours, France

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The purpose of this study is to examine the reflexive processes required to formalize and validate prior experience in the context of the fourth path to certification in France. Thus, based on a qualitative research survey of five candidates, we look at the changes in reflexive processes and the reciprocity dynamics of viewpoints during the country’s official process for validating prior experience (called Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience, or VAE): narration of experience, formalization of knowledge, and presentation of the file to jury members.


The purpose of this study is to examine the reflexive processes required to formalize and validate prior experience in the context of the fourth path to certification in France. Thus, based on a qualitative research survey of five candidates, we look at the changes in reflexive processes and the reciprocity dynamics of viewpoints during the country’s official process for validating prior experience (called Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience, or VAE): narration of experience, formalization of knowledge, and presentation of the file to jury members.


knowledge, reflexivity, certification, collective, experiential

To cite this article

Breton, H. (2019). Reciprocity of viewpoints and collective reflexivity when validating prior experience: What paradigm for the validation of experiential knowledge?. Formation et profession, 27(2), 19-31.