Training to mathematics education: operationalization and student's view of a training system

Training to mathematics education: operationalization and student's view of a training system

  • Adolphe Adihou, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Cathy Arsenault, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada

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This descriptive study aims to characterize the personal training approach of students to develop their skills in teaching mathematics and to identify the impacts of a training system. The analyses made it possible to identify the types of mathematics teaching knowledge mobilized by the students in their approach (Loewenberg Ball, Thames and Phelps, 2008), their expectations and satisfactions. The results show that the system promotes the development of professional attitudes that foster a sense of personal effectiveness (Bandura, 2007) and reveals the need to articulate the diagnostic, mathematical, didactic and practical dimensions of teacher education.


This descriptive study aims to characterize the personal training approach of students to develop their skills in teaching mathematics and to identify the impacts of a training system. The analyses made it possible to identify the types of mathematics teaching knowledge mobilized by the students in their approach (Loewenberg Ball, Thames and Phelps, 2008), their expectations and satisfactions. The results show that the system promotes the development of professional attitudes that foster a sense of personal effectiveness (Bandura, 2007) and reveals the need to articulate the diagnostic, mathematical, didactic and practical dimensions of teacher education.


mathematics, training system, articulation, didactics, teaching approach

To cite this article

Adihou, A. et Arsenault, C. (2020). Training to mathematics education: operationalization and student's view of a training system. Formation et profession, 28(3), 63-79.