Portrait of Resource teachers in Quebec: What services for which students?

Portrait of Resource teachers in Quebec: What services for which students?

  • Philippe Tremblay, Université Laval, Canada
  • Nancy Granger, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.521


The purpose of this research was to create a portrait of the population, resources and actions of the resource teacher (RT) in Quebec through a questionnaire. This article will present, on the one hand, the data that provide a portrait of the resources and services offered to HDAA high school students as part of this scheme, and on the other hand, the types of students it addresses effectively. The results show that the services offered are organized mainly out of class by using students’ disciplinary difficulties as a basis for the selected. Several ER call for more co-teaching and collaboration with the classroom teacher.


The purpose of this research was to create a portrait of the population, resources and actions of the resource teacher (RT) in Quebec through a questionnaire. This article will present, on the one hand, the data that provide a portrait of the resources and services offered to HDAA high school students as part of this scheme, and on the other hand, the types of students it addresses effectively. The results show that the services offered are organized mainly out of class by using students’ disciplinary difficulties as a basis for the selected. Several ER call for more co-teaching and collaboration with the classroom teacher.


organization of services, ehdaa, resource teacher

To cite this article

Tremblay, P. et Granger, N. (2020). Portrait of Resource teachers in Quebec: What services for which students? . Formation et profession, 28(1), 37-56. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.521