School belonging: validation of a theoretical model high school students’ engagement and academic achievement in mathematics

School belonging: validation of a theoretical model high school students’ engagement and academic achievement in mathematics

  • Jérôme St-Amand, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
  • François Bowen, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Okan Bulut, Université de l’Alberta, Canada
  • Damien Cormier, Université de l’Alberta, Canada
  • Michel Janosz, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Stéphanie Girard, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

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In recent years, a number of theorists have examined students’ sense of belonging in school contexts, in order to better understand the ways they can be connected to academic achievement. To more thoroughly investigate these psychological processes, we applied the Anderman and Freeman model (2004) to validate four hypotheses. The sample consists of 2749 high school students living in Quebec. Our results corroborate several elements of this model: first, our results support the idea that school belonging is the basis for academic engagement and achievement; second, our findings reinforce the important role of positive emotions for student engagement.


In recent years, a number of theorists have examined students’ sense of belonging in school contexts, in order to better understand the ways they can be connected to academic achievement. To more thoroughly investigate these psychological processes, we applied the Anderman and Freeman model (2004) to validate four hypotheses. The sample consists of 2749 high school students living in Quebec. Our results corroborate several elements of this model: first, our results support the idea that school belonging is the basis for academic engagement and achievement; second, our findings reinforce the important role of positive emotions for student engagement.


school belonging, school engagement, positive emotions, academic achievement, structural equation modeling

To cite this article

St-Amand, J., Bowen, F., Bulut, O., Cormier, D., Janosz, M. et Girard, S. (2020). School belonging: validation of a theoretical model high school students’ engagement and academic achievement in mathematics. Formation et profession, 28(2), 89-105.