How the disability situation tainted the perseverance course of student-teachers enrolled in a teacher training program

How the disability situation tainted the perseverance course of student-teachers enrolled in a teacher training program

  • Olivia Monfette, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada

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Research findings differ on perseverance in postsecondary education. In addition, an increase in students with disabilities attend university. These students seem to experience a difficult course during their studies. Based on the concept of perseverance, this article aims to identify the difficulties encountered by student-teacher’s with disabilities. This research includes findings provided by three cases that participated in three interviews. The inductive analysis revealed that the difficulties are mainly organizational et interactional.


Research findings differ on perseverance in postsecondary education. In addition, an increase in students with disabilities attend university. These students seem to experience a difficult course during their studies. Based on the concept of perseverance, this article aims to identify the difficulties encountered by student-teacher’s with disabilities. This research includes findings provided by three cases that participated in three interviews. The inductive analysis revealed that the difficulties are mainly organizational et interactional.


student-teachers with disabilities, perseverance in post-secondary studies, difficulties during internships, multiple case studies, practical training

To cite this article

Monfette, O. (2021). How the disability situation tainted the perseverance course of student-teachers enrolled in a teacher training program. Formation et profession, 29(1), 1-13.