Critical perspectives, epistemology, educational research, technology.

Critical perspectives, epistemology, educational research, technology.

  • Perine Brotcorne, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique
  • Simon Collin, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Elisabeth Schneider, Université de Caen Normandie, France

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This article aims at identifying critical sources and issues in educational technologies research by comparing the way they use critical perspective to the way such approach are used in the field of research within they are embedded: the sciences of education. The article shows that educational research has a critical foundation since its institutionalization. In contrast, research on educational technologies seems to have implicitly practiced critical posture without aiming to set out a critical research program with coherent epistemological frameworks.


This article aims at identifying critical sources and issues in educational technologies research by comparing the way they use critical perspective to the way such approach are used in the field of research within they are embedded: the sciences of education. The article shows that educational research has a critical foundation since its institutionalization. In contrast, research on educational technologies seems to have implicitly practiced critical posture without aiming to set out a critical research program with coherent epistemological frameworks.


critical perspectives, epistemology, educational research, technology

To cite this article

Brotcorne, P., Collin, S. et Schneider, E. (2019). Critical perspectives, epistemology, educational research, technology. Formation et profession, 27(3), 22-35.