The emergence of a new model of continuing education in the Senegalese school: conditions of appearance and conditions of success

The emergence of a new model of continuing education in the Senegalese school: conditions of appearance and conditions of success

  • Amadou Yoro NIANG, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Sénégal

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This article is a meticulous study about the training of primary school teachers in Senegal. Beyond the strengths and weaknesses of the system that allows teachers to prepare for and practice their profession, it analyzes a device born from a local experimentation that of itinerant pedagogical counselors (CPI), intended to provide support for teachers in continuing education. It is based on the assumption that this device could be optimized by the reflexive practitioner’s approach to sustainably improve the quality of the teaching profession in Senegal.


This article is a meticulous study about the training of primary school teachers in Senegal. Beyond the strengths and weaknesses of the system that allows teachers to prepare for and practice their profession, it analyzes a device born from a local experimentation that of itinerant pedagogical counselors (CPI), intended to provide support for teachers in continuing education. It is based on the assumption that this device could be optimized by the reflexive practitioner’s approach to sustainably improve the quality of the teaching profession in Senegal.


accompaniment, reflective practice, device, training, profession

To cite this article

NIANG, A. Y. (2020). The emergence of a new model of continuing education in the Senegalese school: conditions of appearance and conditions of success. Formation et profession, 28(2), 75-88.