An evaluation of the training of education inspectors in Senegal

An evaluation of the training of education inspectors in Senegal

  • Idrissa BALDE, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Sénégal

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The benchmark for evaluating the training of education inspectors is the training plan implemented since the start of the 1999-2000 academic year. Beyond the strict application of Kirkpatrick’s model which established a hierarchy and causal links between its four stages, this evaluation revealed others, with different objects and methods of achievement (evaluation of skills, evaluation of training system, self-evaluation, external evaluation). Strengthening professionalization, the main suggestion resulting from this evaluation refers to the evaluation that generates professional development for its purpose and to the evaluation-advice for its implementation.


The benchmark for evaluating the training of education inspectors is the training plan implemented since the start of the 1999-2000 academic year. Beyond the strict application of Kirkpatrick’s model which established a hierarchy and causal links between its four stages, this evaluation revealed others, with different objects and methods of achievement (evaluation of skills, evaluation of training system, self-evaluation, external evaluation). Strengthening professionalization, the main suggestion resulting from this evaluation refers to the evaluation that generates professional development for its purpose and to the evaluation-advice for its implementation.


assessment, professionalization, training, regulation, management

To cite this article

BALDE, I. (2021). An evaluation of the training of education inspectors in Senegal. Formation et profession, 29(2), 1-14.