Design and regulation of a training of Practitioner-Trainers: from the first stakes to new perspectives
Design and regulation of a training of Practitioner-Trainers: from the first stakes to new perspectives
- Isabelle Truffer Moreau, Marcel Truffer, Suisse
We consider the role of the field trainer to be one of the keystones of the alternation. As such, it is the responsibility to the institution to create the conditions for the development of an effective partnership with the field. This article presents the evolution of the proposed training in this perspective. The analyses of the results of the evaluations at the origin of the modifications made to the curriculum support our statements, namely: the evaluation of the effects of the intervision group, supposed to support identity processes, the institutional report questioning the coherence between training in the institution and in the field, and the reflective writings at the end of the training.
We consider the role of the field trainer to be one of the keystones of the alternation. As such, it is the responsibility to the institution to create the conditions for the development of an effective partnership with the field. This article presents the evolution of the proposed training in this perspective. The analyses of the results of the evaluations at the origin of the modifications made to the curriculum support our statements, namely: the evaluation of the effects of the intervision group, supposed to support identity processes, the institutional report questioning the coherence between training in the institution and in the field, and the reflective writings at the end of the training.
professionalization, training, practitioner trainer, engineering, programme
To cite this article
Truffer Moreau, I. (2021). Design and regulation of a training of Practitioner-Trainers: from the first stakes to new perspectives. Formation et profession, 29(3), 1-15.