Teaching innovation at a distance during th covid 19 pandemic: the example of an educational sequence of e-cooperation induced by simulation in vocational training

Teaching innovation at a distance during th covid 19 pandemic: the example of an educational sequence of e-cooperation induced by simulation in vocational training

  • Delphine Guyet, Université de Rouen Normandie, France

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.629


This article deals with a pedagogical research about an e-cooperation sequence induced by a simulation in vocational training, (design, conduct and evaluation of this pedagogical innovation), imposed by the first French containment related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This seminar aims at acquiring clinical reasoning in initial physiotherapy training. Through collaborative action research, based on simulation, cooperative learning, distance mediation, this pedagogical construction has allowed an added value in the learning process, noted both by the learners and the teaching team, transforming the constraint of distance into an opportunity.


This article deals with a pedagogical research about an e-cooperation sequence induced by a simulation in vocational training, (design, conduct and evaluation of this pedagogical innovation), imposed by the first French containment related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This seminar aims at acquiring clinical reasoning in initial physiotherapy training. Through collaborative action research, based on simulation, cooperative learning, distance mediation, this pedagogical construction has allowed an added value in the learning process, noted both by the learners and the teaching team, transforming the constraint of distance into an opportunity.


vocational training, simulation, cooperative learning, distance mediation, pedagogical innovation

To cite this article

Guyet, D. (2021). Teaching innovation at a distance during th covid 19 pandemic: the example of an educational sequence of e-cooperation induced by simulation in vocational training. Formation et profession, 29(2), 1-17. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.629