Teacher training in Chile: A (trans)national mimesis policy ?

Teacher training in Chile: A (trans)national mimesis policy ?

  • Javier Núñez-Moscoso, Universidad de O’Higgins (ICEd-UOH), Chili

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.657


This contribution presents a critical look at the way Chile adopts and embodies (mimesis) some of the recommendations of international organizations that affect educational policies. The central argument is deployed around the documented description of how certain orientations have been integrated into the field of teacher training in the country, within the reforms and changes of the last decades but also the most recent ones (Núñez- Moscoso et Flores Gonzalez, 2017). The article ends with a description of the potentialities and risks that these transformations may have for the teaching profession.


This contribution presents a critical look at the way Chile adopts and embodies (mimesis) some of the recommendations of international organizations that affect educational policies. The central argument is deployed around the documented description of how certain orientations have been integrated into the field of teacher training in the country, within the reforms and changes of the last decades but also the most recent ones (Núñez- Moscoso et Flores Gonzalez, 2017). The article ends with a description of the potentialities and risks that these transformations may have for the teaching profession.


teacher training, globalization, chile, mimesis, educational policy

To cite this article

Núñez-Moscoso, J. (2021). Teacher training in Chile: A (trans)national mimesis policy ?. Formation et profession, 29(3), 1-11. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2021.657