Learning assessment in a pandemic context: beyond grading to foster academic success in all students

Learning assessment in a pandemic context: beyond grading to foster academic success in all students

  • Gonzague Yerly, Université et Haute école pédagogique de Fribourg, Suisse
  • Dany Laveault, Université d’Ottawa, Canada

doi : 10.18162/fp.2020.676


This article contributes to this thematic issue with an examination of learning assessment during the COVID- 19 crisis. The summer of 2020 was highly unusual in that most education systems put their certification assessments on hold. This does not mean that assessment had no part to play in student learning, either before, during, or after the confinement period. Beyond the observations made during this extraordinary period, recommendations are proposed to enable learning assessment to play its full role in this new context.


This article contributes to this thematic issue with an examination of learning assessment during the COVID- 19 crisis. The summer of 2020 was highly unusual in that most education systems put their certification assessments on hold. This does not mean that assessment had no part to play in student learning, either before, during, or after the confinement period. Beyond the observations made during this extraordinary period, recommendations are proposed to enable learning assessment to play its full role in this new context.


covid-19, assessment for learning, learning assessment, certification assessment, grades

To cite this article

Yerly, G. et Laveault, D. (2020). Learning assessment in a pandemic context: beyond grading to foster academic success in all students. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-12. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.676