Student intention to persist in preschool and elementary school education in Québec in a pandemic context

Student intention to persist in preschool and elementary school education in Québec in a pandemic context

  • Daniel Moreau, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • François Larose, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Jonathan Smith, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

doi : 10.18162/fp.2020.687


This article documents students’ intentions to persist in a teacher training program and a career in preschool and elementary school education during the current pandemic. Interview data from a sample of 33 students were subjected to lexicometric content analysis. Results show ambiguous attitudes toward intention to persist in a teacher training program, notably due to the deterrent effect of remote learning modes. Results also reveal firm intentions to persist in the teaching profession while meeting the challenges posed by the pandemic.


This article documents students’ intentions to persist in a teacher training program and a career in preschool and elementary school education during the current pandemic. Interview data from a sample of 33 students were subjected to lexicometric content analysis. Results show ambiguous attitudes toward intention to persist in a teacher training program, notably due to the deterrent effect of remote learning modes. Results also reveal firm intentions to persist in the teaching profession while meeting the challenges posed by the pandemic.


teacher training, intention to persist, professional commitment, content analysis, lexicometry

To cite this article

Moreau, D., Larose, F. et Smith, J. (2020). Student intention to persist in preschool and elementary school education in Québec in a pandemic context. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-13.