Stick with the program or promote engagement? An analysis of the criteria for learning continuity and pedagogical changes in a pandemic context

Stick with the program or promote engagement? An analysis of the criteria for learning continuity and pedagogical changes in a pandemic context

  • Margarida Romero, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  • Laurent Heiser, Université Côte d’Azur, France
  • Anne Chiardola, Université d’Aix-Marseille, Canada
  • Christine Faller, Université Côte d’Azur, Canada

doi : 10.18162/fp.2020.692


The pandemic has triggered a disruptive pedagogical transformation. This study examines how digital practices have changed in relation to the continuity criteria of teachers at different teaching levels. The results show that the pedagogical relationship is prioritized over and above program monitoring and assessment. However, the changes in digital practices apply more to virtual classrooms and the communication tools used in kindergarten and elementary school. At college level and higher, pre-existing platforms are used more intensively, and the choice of tools is engaging for students.


The pandemic has triggered a disruptive pedagogical transformation. This study examines how digital practices have changed in relation to the continuity criteria of teachers at different teaching levels. The results show that the pedagogical relationship is prioritized over and above program monitoring and assessment. However, the changes in digital practices apply more to virtual classrooms and the communication tools used in kindergarten and elementary school. At college level and higher, pre-existing platforms are used more intensively, and the choice of tools is engaging for students.


teaching profession, learning continuity, pedagogical transformations, digital technology, academic program

To cite this article

Romero, M., Heiser, L., Chiardola, A. et Faller, C. (2020). Stick with the program or promote engagement? An analysis of the criteria for learning continuity and pedagogical changes in a pandemic context. Formation et profession, 28(4 hors-série), 1-15.