Development of Spatial Reasoning for Children in Full-time Four-year-old Kindergarten in Quebec

Development of Spatial Reasoning for Children in Full-time Four-year-old Kindergarten in Quebec

  • Charlaine St-Jean, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada
  • Johanne April, Université du Québec en Outaouais, campus de Saint-Jérôme, Canada
  • Nathalie Bigras, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Christophe Maïano, Université du Québec en Outaouais, campus de Saint-Jérôme, Canada
  • Marilyn Dupuis Brouillette, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada

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The development of spatial reasoning refers to mental representations and movements in space (Flynn, 2018). This article stands out for its description of the development of spatial reasoning full-time four-year-old kindergarten children in Quebec (N=174), a notion that rarely receives explicit attention in curricula. The results reveal that the level of development of spatial reasoning in children stands at an average score of 98.27and that they evolve between the pretest and the posttest, which makes it possible to identify implications for initial and continuing training as well as for research in teaching.


The development of spatial reasoning refers to mental representations and movements in space (Flynn, 2018). This article stands out for its description of the development of spatial reasoning full-time four-year-old kindergarten children in Quebec (N=174), a notion that rarely receives explicit attention in curricula. The results reveal that the level of development of spatial reasoning in children stands at an average score of 98.27and that they evolve between the pretest and the posttest, which makes it possible to identify implications for initial and continuing training as well as for research in teaching.


spatial reasoning, early mathematics, kindergarten, preschool

To cite this article

St-Jean, C., April, J., Bigras, N., Maïano, C. et Dupuis Brouillette, M. (2022). Development of Spatial Reasoning for Children in Full-time Four-year-old Kindergarten in Quebec. Formation et profession, 30(3), 1-15.