Motivating Students: Motivational Strategies Used by Quebec Professional Training Teachers Working in an Individualized Training Context

Motivating Students: Motivational Strategies Used by Quebec Professional Training Teachers Working in an Individualized Training Context

  • Camille Jutras Dupont, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Mylène Beaulieu, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Annie Dubeau, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

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This study aimed to identify the motivational strategies used by vocational training (VT) teachers from a self-directed learning context and to verify whether these strategies differ from a self-directed learning context and a teacher-directed learning context. Overall, the results validated that the motivational strategies used by teachers varied depending on the learning context. Furthermore, these results highlight the need to continue studies about teachers’ motivational strategies to better understand the motivational process of VT’s students enrolled in a self-directed learning context and the effect of these strategies on their motivation.


This study aimed to identify the motivational strategies used by vocational training (VT) teachers from a self-directed learning context and to verify whether these strategies differ from a self-directed learning context and a teacher-directed learning context. Overall, the results validated that the motivational strategies used by teachers varied depending on the learning context. Furthermore, these results highlight the need to continue studies about teachers’ motivational strategies to better understand the motivational process of VT’s students enrolled in a self-directed learning context and the effect of these strategies on their motivation.


motivation, self-directed learning, vocational education, motivational strategies

To cite this article

Jutras Dupont, C., Beaulieu, M. et Dubeau, A. (2023). Motivating Students: Motivational Strategies Used by Quebec Professional Training Teachers Working in an Individualized Training Context. Formation et profession, 31(1), 1-10.