Coherence Rationales in Higher Education planning: An Outline of an Analytical Framework

Coherence Rationales in Higher Education planning: An Outline of an Analytical Framework

  • Robert Mbella Mbappé, Université de Yaoundé I, Cameroun

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Coherence rationales are an analytical tool able to account for the mode of construction of coherence by the actors. Built from the explanatory theories of strategy, they appear nevertheless with elements of difference and even contradiction in their structure. Knowing that every analytical framework is based on a particular philosophy, the present study tries to understand these discrepancies from the epistemological paradigms and provides, thereafter, an analytical grid allowing to test each coherence rationale empirically.


Coherence rationales are an analytical tool able to account for the mode of construction of coherence by the actors. Built from the explanatory theories of strategy, they appear nevertheless with elements of difference and even contradiction in their structure. Knowing that every analytical framework is based on a particular philosophy, the present study tries to understand these discrepancies from the epistemological paradigms and provides, thereafter, an analytical grid allowing to test each coherence rationale empirically.


coherence rationales, planning, higher education, epistemological paradigm

To cite this article

Mbella Mbappé, R. (2023). Coherence Rationales in Higher Education planning: An Outline of an Analytical Framework. Formation et profession, 31(2), 1-14.