Consultation process with mentors of trainees in high school education: reflecting on the essential professional activities of the profession

Consultation process with mentors of trainees in high school education: reflecting on the essential professional activities of the profession

  • Josée-Anne Gouin, Université Laval, Canada
  • Bernard Wentzel, Université Laval, Canada
  • Hélène Gasc, Université Laval, Canada

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This study presents the first part of a consultation process focusing on the evaluation of the professional skills of interns in secondary education at a Quebec university. The frame of reference proposes 13 professional skills which are to be developed throughout the four years of initial training. However, the interpretation of these skills remains a challenge for mentors. Based on a conceptual framework relating to professional activities, a questionnaire and a group interview made it possible to reflect on the essential professional activities experienced by the pre-service teachers as well as the skills and dimensions mobilized for each of them.


This study presents the first part of a consultation process focusing on the evaluation of the professional skills of interns in secondary education at a Quebec university. The frame of reference proposes 13 professional skills which are to be developed throughout the four years of initial training. However, the interpretation of these skills remains a challenge for mentors. Based on a conceptual framework relating to professional activities, a questionnaire and a group interview made it possible to reflect on the essential professional activities experienced by the pre-service teachers as well as the skills and dimensions mobilized for each of them.


assessment, professional competencies, pre-service teachers, high school education, essential professional activities

To cite this article

Gouin, J.-A., Wentzel, B. et Gasc, H. (2023). Consultation process with mentors of trainees in high school education: reflecting on the essential professional activities of the profession. Formation et profession, 31(1), 1-19.