Socio-professional integration in Franco-Manitoban schools of immigrants trained abroad

Socio-professional integration in Franco-Manitoban schools of immigrants trained abroad

  • Jules Rocque, Université de Saint-Boniface, Canada

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Immigrants integrating into Manitoba’s French-language school programs face certain challenges: administrative barriers, feelings of isolation. The action research with 16 participants, in initial teacher training and teaching positions, aimed at better understanding how they are received and supported during their extended socio-professional integration, which includes the initial training and entry into the work force. The thematic analysis of the semi-structured interviews reveals favourable experiences (warm welcome, availability of staff) and unfavourable experiences (culture shock, discriminatory hiring practices) experienced by the participants. Recommendations made aim to improve pedagogical, hiring and support practises and favour a better understanding of the actors in the field of the themes being examined.


Immigrants integrating into Manitoba’s French-language school programs face certain challenges: administrative barriers, feelings of isolation. The action research with 16 participants, in initial teacher training and teaching positions, aimed at better understanding how they are received and supported during their extended socio-professional integration, which includes the initial training and entry into the work force. The thematic analysis of the semi-structured interviews reveals favourable experiences (warm welcome, availability of staff) and unfavourable experiences (culture shock, discriminatory hiring practices) experienced by the participants. Recommendations made aim to improve pedagogical, hiring and support practises and favour a better understanding of the actors in the field of the themes being examined.


socio-professional integration, internationally trained immigrant teachers, visible minorities, francophone education in a minority context, teacher shortage

To cite this article

Rocque, J. (2023). Socio-professional integration in Franco-Manitoban schools of immigrants trained abroad. Formation et profession, 31(3), 1-15.