“All this, for that?” Views of elementary and high school teachers on Québec’s education reform

“All this, for that?” Views of elementary and high school teachers on Québec’s education reform

  • Jean-François Cardin, CRIFPE-Lava, Canada
  • Erick Falardeau, Université Laval, Canada
  • Sylvie Bidjang, CRIFPE-Lava, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2012.10


To investigate how Québec’s teachers have coped with the education reforms introduced in 2000, we administered an online survey to 427 teachers. This article presents two types of data: 1) statistical results on teachers’ responses to closed questions; and 2) teachers’ comments, representing predominant opinions. Views difered considerably between elementary and high school teachers: high school teachers were more critical, particularly about the training they received and the efects of the reform on student learning


To investigate how Québec’s teachers have coped with the education reforms introduced in 2000, we administered an online survey to 427 teachers. This article presents two types of data: 1) statistical results on teachers’ responses to closed questions; and 2) teachers’ comments, representing predominant opinions. Views difered considerably between elementary and high school teachers: high school teachers were more critical, particularly about the training they received and the efects of the reform on student learning

To cite this article

Cardin, J.-F., Falardeau, E. et Bidjang, S. (2012). “All this, for that?” Views of elementary and high school teachers on Québec’s education reform. Formation et profession, 20(1), 13. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2012.10