Support by the school administration to resolve ethical problems during professional insertion: Four exploratory avenues

Support by the school administration to resolve ethical problems during professional insertion: Four exploratory avenues

  • Lise-Anne St-Vincent, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

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This article sheds light on the administration’s critical role in preparing the school team, and particularly teachers in professional insertion, to resolve ethical issues as a team. Four avenues are explored: developing an ethical framework for each school team member, creating a space conducive to sharing values and principles, updating knowledge of the professional framework, and implementing procedures for resolving ethical problems as they arise.


This article sheds light on the administration’s critical role in preparing the school team, and particularly teachers in professional insertion, to resolve ethical issues as a team. Four avenues are explored: developing an ethical framework for each school team member, creating a space conducive to sharing values and principles, updating knowledge of the professional framework, and implementing procedures for resolving ethical problems as they arise.

To cite this article

St-Vincent, L.-A. (2016). Support by the school administration to resolve ethical problems during professional insertion: Four exploratory avenues. Formation et profession, 24(1), 3.