Savoirs et pratiques dans la formation à l’enseignement des genres écrits

Savoirs et pratiques dans la formation à l’enseignement des genres écrits

  • Marion Sauvaire, université Laval, Canada
  • Marie-Andrée Lord, Université Laval, Canada
  • Erick Falardeau, Université Laval, Canada

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This article presents the theoretical foundations of a course developed as part of the initial training of teachers of French in high school at Université Laval in Quebec. We will present the theoretical framework of our training device that fts in the perspective of sociodiscursive interactionism, in which the concept of genre is central. Used iteratively in two compulsory courses in teaching writing 45 hours each, this device has been adapted over the years in order to articulate the teaching of theoretical knowledge about writing with practices to develop the skills of future teachers to plan, produce, revise and rewrite various pieces of non-literary genres they will be teaching. To illustrate the theoretical framework presented, we will describe the steps of a training approach to the teaching of a persuasive text for students of 5th grade of secondary school (16-17 years).


This article presents the theoretical foundations of a course developed as part of the initial training of teachers of French in high school at Université Laval in Quebec. We will present the theoretical framework of our training device that fts in the perspective of sociodiscursive interactionism, in which the concept of genre is central. Used iteratively in two compulsory courses in teaching writing 45 hours each, this device has been adapted over the years in order to articulate the teaching of theoretical knowledge about writing with practices to develop the skills of future teachers to plan, produce, revise and rewrite various pieces of non-literary genres they will be teaching. To illustrate the theoretical framework presented, we will describe the steps of a training approach to the teaching of a persuasive text for students of 5th grade of secondary school (16-17 years).

To cite this article

Sauvaire, M., Lord, M.-A. et Falardeau, E. (2016). Savoirs et pratiques dans la formation à l’enseignement des genres écrits. Formation et profession, 24(2), 56.