Uses and perceptions of teachers using tablet’s in educational context.

Uses and perceptions of teachers using tablet’s in educational context.

  • Aurélien Fiévez, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Thierry Karsenti, Université de Montréal, Canada

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The use of tablets in the school context is becoming more visible in classrooms in North America and Europe. The integration of this new technology induces changes in teaching and learning activities. The tablet brings many new educational opportunities and educational uses. It fundamentally changes the administration and daily management of education. Due to its intrinsic characteristics, it also involves learning through time and space. Given these multiple realities, we have analyzed the uses of the tablet in classrooms with 200 teachers from 45 schools. The results show that the use of the tablet induces innovative teaching practices that facilitate teaching and promote student learning. However, we find that the appropriation of the tablet is an ongoing process and that new implementations, as for those existing, must feed into a careful analysis of the ramifications of practices mediated by the integration of this tool.


The use of tablets in the school context is becoming more visible in classrooms in North America and Europe. The integration of this new technology induces changes in teaching and learning activities. The tablet brings many new educational opportunities and educational uses. It fundamentally changes the administration and daily management of education. Due to its intrinsic characteristics, it also involves learning through time and space. Given these multiple realities, we have analyzed the uses of the tablet in classrooms with 200 teachers from 45 schools. The results show that the use of the tablet induces innovative teaching practices that facilitate teaching and promote student learning. However, we find that the appropriation of the tablet is an ongoing process and that new implementations, as for those existing, must feed into a careful analysis of the ramifications of practices mediated by the integration of this tool.

To cite this article

Fiévez, A. et Karsenti, T. (2018). Uses and perceptions of teachers using tablet’s in educational context. Formation et profession, 26(1), 55.