How do Quebec preservice teachers evaluate information found online: a study of declared and effective practices

How do Quebec preservice teachers evaluate information found online: a study of declared and effective practices

  • Gabriel Dumouchel, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Thierry Karsenti, Université de Montréal, Canada

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The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the actual and declared practices of Quebec preservice teachers in evaluating information found on the Web. These practices were assessed using a survey and real-time Web research exercises. Our results show that most preservice teachers are critical of information found on the Web and evaluate it using a range of criteria. These findings are discussed in light of the literature and the realities that teachers face in schools, based on which recommendations are made to enhance the development of these competencies in initial training.


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the actual and declared practices of Quebec preservice teachers in evaluating information found on the Web. These practices were assessed using a survey and real-time Web research exercises. Our results show that most preservice teachers are critical of information found on the Web and evaluate it using a range of criteria. These findings are discussed in light of the literature and the realities that teachers face in schools, based on which recommendations are made to enhance the development of these competencies in initial training.


quebec, teacher training, future teachers

To cite this article

Dumouchel, G. et Karsenti, T. (2019). How do Quebec preservice teachers evaluate information found online: a study of declared and effective practices. Formation et profession, 27(2), 74-87.