Analysis of a teacher’s operative model in second grade in the context of teaching how to read

Analysis of a teacher’s operative model in second grade in the context of teaching how to read

  • Jonathan Rappe, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Patricia Schillings, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Yves Depluvrez, Université de Liège, Belgique
  • Charlotte Dejaegher, Université de Liège, Belgique

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This study aims to describe the operative model of a second grade teacher in the context of the teaching of reading. Following observations and interviews, this operative model was schematized in order to highlight how the teacher’s pragmatic concepts potentially influence her activity in four classes of situations: teaching text comprehension, teaching grapho-phonemic correspondences, the emphasis on oral reading and the use of writing in the teaching of reading. We then postulate the existence of conceptual obstacles to the implementation of effective teaching practices. For example, a concept used by the subject seems to impede the joint teaching of reading and writing.


This study aims to describe the operative model of a second grade teacher in the context of the teaching of reading. Following observations and interviews, this operative model was schematized in order to highlight how the teacher’s pragmatic concepts potentially influence her activity in four classes of situations: teaching text comprehension, teaching grapho-phonemic correspondences, the emphasis on oral reading and the use of writing in the teaching of reading. We then postulate the existence of conceptual obstacles to the implementation of effective teaching practices. For example, a concept used by the subject seems to impede the joint teaching of reading and writing.

To cite this article

Rappe, J., Schillings, P., Depluvrez, Y. et Dejaegher, C. (2018). Analysis of a teacher’s operative model in second grade in the context of teaching how to read. Formation et profession, 26(3), 81.