Perceptions and intentions of teachers in charge of ID/ASD adolescent students in media literacy

Perceptions and intentions of teachers in charge of ID/ASD adolescent students in media literacy

  • Jean Horvais, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

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In the context of equipment and almost universal access to digital technologies, adolescent DI / ASDs may see ICTs as desirable as other young people and it is often said that this should contribute to their social participation and their exercise of citizenship. Hence the need to promote access to them through media education. The results of a qualitative content analysis including individual interviews with 18 special education teachers reveal a wide range of perceptions and intentions, the synthesis of which will be presented. In particular, the results indicate how the teachers’ observation of their pupils puts them on the trail of innovative practices adapted to their pupils.


In the context of equipment and almost universal access to digital technologies, adolescent DI / ASDs may see ICTs as desirable as other young people and it is often said that this should contribute to their social participation and their exercise of citizenship. Hence the need to promote access to them through media education. The results of a qualitative content analysis including individual interviews with 18 special education teachers reveal a wide range of perceptions and intentions, the synthesis of which will be presented. In particular, the results indicate how the teachers’ observation of their pupils puts them on the trail of innovative practices adapted to their pupils.


special education, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, teenagers, ict

To cite this article

Horvais, J. (2019). Perceptions and intentions of teachers in charge of ID/ASD adolescent students in media literacy. Formation et profession, 27(3), 77-90.