From a sociocritical approach to a sociotechnical and critical approach of educational digital uses

From a sociocritical approach to a sociotechnical and critical approach of educational digital uses

  • Julie Denouël, CREAD - Université Rennes 2, France

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In this article, we wish to report on our interest in the sociocritical approach of educational digital uses that has been recently formalized and in the dynamics of collaborative research that it promotes. Thus we will present the key elements of this sociocritical approach, for the moment rather focused on the students’ uses. Then, we will present the key elements of a sociotechnical and critical approach of educational digital uses, which is merely focused on teachers’ uses and which is based on four concepts: sociotechnical process, appropriation, technical capital and recognition.


In this article, we wish to report on our interest in the sociocritical approach of educational digital uses that has been recently formalized and in the dynamics of collaborative research that it promotes. Thus we will present the key elements of this sociocritical approach, for the moment rather focused on the students’ uses. Then, we will present the key elements of a sociotechnical and critical approach of educational digital uses, which is merely focused on teachers’ uses and which is based on four concepts: sociotechnical process, appropriation, technical capital and recognition.


sociotechnical approach, technical capital, critics, educational digital uses, sociotechnical process

To cite this article

Denouël, J. (2019). From a sociocritical approach to a sociotechnical and critical approach of educational digital uses. Formation et profession, 27(3), 36-48.