Pedagogical circle and case analysis: Complementary pedagogical approaches to collective reflection in preservice teacher training.

Pedagogical circle and case analysis: Complementary pedagogical approaches to collective reflection in preservice teacher training.

  • Mylène Leroux, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
  • Isabelle Vivegnis, Université de Montréal, Canada

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Some researchers consider teacher reflection a metacompetency that enhances other professional teaching competencies. As such, teacher education should enable student teachers to reflect independently, that is, to engage in reflection without being asked to do so. In 2017, two pedagogical approaches to collective reflection were adapted and became the subject of an experiment with student teachers: 1) the pedagogical circle and 2) case analysis. The student teachers’ comments revealed interesting results regarding perceived learning as well as the contributions and complementarity of the two approaches—insights that may be useful in improving preservice teacher training.


Some researchers consider teacher reflection a metacompetency that enhances other professional teaching competencies. As such, teacher education should enable student teachers to reflect independently, that is, to engage in reflection without being asked to do so. In 2017, two pedagogical approaches to collective reflection were adapted and became the subject of an experiment with student teachers: 1) the pedagogical circle and 2) case analysis. The student teachers’ comments revealed interesting results regarding perceived learning as well as the contributions and complementarity of the two approaches—insights that may be useful in improving preservice teacher training.


professional identity, teacher education, teacher reflection, pedagogical devices, pedagogical circle

To cite this article

Leroux, M. et Vivegnis, I. (2019). Pedagogical circle and case analysis: Complementary pedagogical approaches to collective reflection in preservice teacher training. Formation et profession, 27(2), 58-73.