The instructors in Institute of Training in Physiotherapy: what are the pedagogical consequences of the reform of the studies of 2015?

The instructors in Institute of Training in Physiotherapy: what are the pedagogical consequences of the reform of the studies of 2015?

  • Charlotte Pourcelot, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, France
  • Thérese Perez Roux, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, France
  • Éric Maleyrot, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3, France

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In France, physiotherapist studies were reformed in 2015. Thus, a combined reflexive approach, problem approach and skill approach. Course instructors are confronted with numerous challenges and changes questioning the formation’s perceptions, the way they intervene and the way they teach their students to become professionals. A study concerned the physiotherapy institute’s teams as to better implement this transition. This is what we are trying to illustrate through notions of relationship to knowledge and expertise. Focus group and a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (ACM) were carried out to understand the way in which trainers grasp these developments and characterize themselves.


In France, physiotherapist studies were reformed in 2015. Thus, a combined reflexive approach, problem approach and skill approach. Course instructors are confronted with numerous challenges and changes questioning the formation’s perceptions, the way they intervene and the way they teach their students to become professionals. A study concerned the physiotherapy institute’s teams as to better implement this transition. This is what we are trying to illustrate through notions of relationship to knowledge and expertise. Focus group and a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (ACM) were carried out to understand the way in which trainers grasp these developments and characterize themselves.


relationship to knowledge, instructors, physiotherapy, educational reforms, expertise

To cite this article

Pourcelot, C., Perez Roux, T. et Maleyrot, É. (2020). The instructors in Institute of Training in Physiotherapy: what are the pedagogical consequences of the reform of the studies of 2015?. Formation et profession, 28(3), 80-92.