The difficulties to build an explanatory framework for the formation of mountains by students

The difficulties to build an explanatory framework for the formation of mountains by students

  • Youssef Boughanmi, Université de Bourgogne, France

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In earth sciences and in the framework of tectonic plate theory, the processes of mountain formation are difficult to conceive by students and teachers. Firstly, through a questionnaire, we probe their difficulties to build an explanatory framework of mountain formation. Then we confront in a workshop-debate the current explanations of mountain formation advanced by teachers to Avicenne’s explanations. The explanatory frameworks of students are multiple and the use of the history of science allows them to work in a mobilist explanatory register.


In earth sciences and in the framework of tectonic plate theory, the processes of mountain formation are difficult to conceive by students and teachers. Firstly, through a questionnaire, we probe their difficulties to build an explanatory framework of mountain formation. Then we confront in a workshop-debate the current explanations of mountain formation advanced by teachers to Avicenne’s explanations. The explanatory frameworks of students are multiple and the use of the history of science allows them to work in a mobilist explanatory register.


earth sciences, explanatory framework, history of science, mountain formation, scientific discussion

To cite this article

Boughanmi, Y. (2021). The difficulties to build an explanatory framework for the formation of mountains by students. Formation et profession, 29(1), 1-2.