Dynamic Model of Change in School for more inclusive practices

Dynamic Model of Change in School for more inclusive practices

  • Nadia Rousseau, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.526


The development of more inclusive practices is based on international injunctions focusing on equal access and the right to an education offered within a single system of public and private education. However, more inclusive practices are based, among other things, on a culture of change within the school. In response to the need to support change at school, eight Ontario school boards have adopted the Dynamic Model of Change in School through a three-year supported project. This article presents this project, the components of the Model exploited in the project, the contributions of the project as well as the challenges experienced by the participants.


The development of more inclusive practices is based on international injunctions focusing on equal access and the right to an education offered within a single system of public and private education. However, more inclusive practices are based, among other things, on a culture of change within the school. In response to the need to support change at school, eight Ontario school boards have adopted the Dynamic Model of Change in School through a three-year supported project. This article presents this project, the components of the Model exploited in the project, the contributions of the project as well as the challenges experienced by the participants.


inclusive education, inclusive practices, practice change, dynamic model of guided change, support for change

To cite this article

Rousseau, N. (2020). Dynamic Model of Change in School for more inclusive practices. Formation et profession, 28(1), 5-19. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.526