What knowledge do French education secondary school trainees provide for their didactic choices?

What knowledge do French education secondary school trainees provide for their didactic choices?

  • Marie-Hélène Forget, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

doi : https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.542


Although didactic knowledge (curriculum and knowledge for teaching) is the foundation of teaching, there is little research on the didactic knowledge of French language teaching trainees and their mobilization in the context of an internship. This exploratory research, conducted in Quebec in 2017, reports on the type and quality of didactic knowledge on which twenty trainees in French secondary education support their didactic choices in their course preparation. The results show an interesting proportion of didactic knowledge compared to the knowledge of experience, but a gap between these didactic knowledge and how they are represented in the activities.


Although didactic knowledge (curriculum and knowledge for teaching) is the foundation of teaching, there is little research on the didactic knowledge of French language teaching trainees and their mobilization in the context of an internship. This exploratory research, conducted in Quebec in 2017, reports on the type and quality of didactic knowledge on which twenty trainees in French secondary education support their didactic choices in their course preparation. The results show an interesting proportion of didactic knowledge compared to the knowledge of experience, but a gap between these didactic knowledge and how they are represented in the activities.


didactic knowledge, trainees, course preparation, french education, highschool

To cite this article

Forget, M.-H. (2020). What knowledge do French education secondary school trainees provide for their didactic choices?. Formation et profession, 28(2), 35-50. https://dx.doi.org/10.18162/fp.2020.542