Support measures offered to novice teachers and how these teachers benefited from this help

Support measures offered to novice teachers and how these teachers benefited from this help

  • Geneviève Carpentier, Université de Montréal, Canada
  • Joséphine Mukamurera, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
  • Mylène Leroux, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
  • Sawsen Lakhal, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

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In order to offer novice teachers relevant and effective support, it is important to know which support measures are provided to them and how these teachers benefited from this help. The purpose of this article is, on the one hand, to identify the support measures offered to beginning teachers and, on the other hand, to describe and understand the perception of the help provided by them. The data analyzed are borrowed from a survey (n = 156) and semi-structured interviews (n = 10). The results reveal that the support measures most often offered to novice teachers are not necessarily the most helpful from their point of view.


In order to offer novice teachers relevant and effective support, it is important to know which support measures are provided to them and how these teachers benefited from this help. The purpose of this article is, on the one hand, to identify the support measures offered to beginning teachers and, on the other hand, to describe and understand the perception of the help provided by them. The data analyzed are borrowed from a survey (n = 156) and semi-structured interviews (n = 10). The results reveal that the support measures most often offered to novice teachers are not necessarily the most helpful from their point of view.


teacher induction, novice teacher, support measure, teacher induction program

To cite this article

Carpentier, G., Mukamurera, J., Leroux, M. et Lakhal, S. (2020). Support measures offered to novice teachers and how these teachers benefited from this help. Formation et profession, 28(3), 3-17.